
The Simian Republic holds one truth to be self-evident and embraces it above all other truths: climbing is not an individual endeavor but a communal effort dependent on all climbers. Whoever so much has approached a climb–past, present, and future–with the intent to reach the top will heretofore be deemed a climber. Whether a 10ft wall full of fabricated holds, a 20ft boulder, a 150ft cliff, a 1500ft crest, an 8000ft peak, or a 29000ft summit. It is through the effort of all who scale walls and boundaries that the act of climbing is possible. To the mountaineer with a vision that develops a climb. To the first ascensionist that makes it possible. To the climbers after that help refine it. To all those supporting a climber that helps boost them to greater heights. We all face our own personal mountains as individuals, but it is the fact that we all have our own personal mountains we wish to climb that we share common ground.

No climber is who they are by themselves. They are who they are because of the giants before them and the giants presently elevating them.

Bag of dirt

Perry Hua started climbing in 2016 and to this day is still obsessed with starting fights with rock climbs inside and outside, but loves being outdoors the most. Currently residing in Costa Mesa, CA but is always traveling around on the lookout for the next most alluring rock to occupy his mind rent-free. Catch him car-camping on the road in his lifted Prius, where his crashpads serve as his waifu body pillows.

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